I’m certainly not an illustrator by any definition, but I have had fun creating a few, small illustrated vignettes on occasion. The motivation to acquire new skills frequently emerges from inspiration-hunting. Let me explain…
…no, there is too much. Let me sum up.
Like any good designer, sketching is a big part of the creative process. But there is a gulf between sketching (the way I do it) and illustration. Naturally one aims to be as sketchy as possible. For the purposes of this post, sketching is the gateway drug.
Next up is inspiration-hunting. During the Exploration phase of my process, I spend a fair amount of time on IG, Pinterest, Dribbble, and a dozen other sites, looking at cool stuff. But where illustration is concerned, Dribbble is especially helpful. A lot of illustrator-designers showcase their work on Dribbble and it doesn’t take long to build up a healthy list of inspiring “shots” (as they’re called on that platform).
When I was working at Zoyes Creative architecture was a big part of our DNA and our client projects too. My eyes were increasingly drawn to cool architectural rendering and illustration techniques I was seeing on Dribbble.
Work from designos and illos like Jonathan Schubert, Val Waters, and Jim Kennelly to name a few.
Their work made me want to see this unique illustration style make its way into my work, either by contracting illustrators or, when the budgets were tight, trying my own hand at it. These days, running my own studio, I have an increased motivation to build new skillsets. There’s a wealth of learning available online, and the community can be extremely supportive. Artists like James Coffman often share tips and tricks for illustrating with an iPad and Procreate and it’s exciting to get into it. Even after almost 30 years of design there’s still nothing like learning new skills.
I just acquired an iPad and I’m anxious to find time to build on these early, albeit amateur, efforts. Shading is something I am especially excited to work on.
If you have illustrators you admire, especially when it comes to architectural illustration, please share them in the comments!